Friday, March 22, 2013

Beth Bird Leads After Day One

Well... Day one is finally over.  And it was a hot mess.

We had two 12-5 upsets on the day (Oregon over OK State; California over UNLV), Harvard managed to beat New Mexico (and nearly made me want to rip up my bracket already), and Gonzaga almost became the first #1 seed to lose to a #16 seed in NCAA history.

Thank goodness it's over.

With that said, Beth probably enjoyed day one a little bit more than anyone else because she (yes, Boo Boo) is in the lead with 13 out of the 16 selections correctly guessed.

Wow.  Did anyone else see this coming?  Because I'm pretty sure she made her selections based on their cheerleading teams.

Brad managed to already lose one of his Final Four selections  (Insert everyone's laughter at me here.  Sound off and berate me in the comments below.  But just realize that you're just jealous!) and is tied for 10th with previous bracket challenge winners Heather and Teresa.  However, a lot of people lost Sweet 16 and Elite 8 picks already...

Does anyone else think that basketball is F*@*ing stupid?

Here are the standings:

1.  Beth Bird - 13 points (pictured above)
T2. Allison, Eric, Gary (Dad), Jacob, Jo (Mom), Joe, Melissa, and Nathaniel - 12 points
T10. Jeremy, Matt (Brutus? - seriously?), and Robert - 11 points
T13. Bradley, Heather, and Teresa - 10 points
16. Lindsey - 9 points

It's Day two today!  Another 16 games today... get pumped!


  1. Lol......Awesome job BooBoo! Brad, I think you are a hot mess, lol!

  2. WWWOOOOOOOHHHHHOOOOOOO!!!!! I AM AMAZING!!!!!!!! I'm doing a little dance, making a little love... Getting down tonight!!!!

  3. It's only because you're radioactive

  4. How in the Hell did this ACTUALLY happen?
    Does Boo need to stay away from people in order for her to win this?
    Also, who loves it that Brad is losing to Beth? I DO!
